Foro Animales de Oriente Asturias
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CANELA, cachorrona cruce setter RESERVADA

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CANELA, cachorrona cruce setter RESERVADA Empty CANELA, cachorrona cruce setter RESERVADA

Mensaje  Admin Lun 4 Ago 2014 - 18:58

Canela fue abandonada en la perrera de Infiesto 4/8/14 junto a Pelusa (su madre). Luego nos enteramos que es la hermana de Filou, recogido unos días antes. Es una perrina superando sus miedos, se lleva bién con los demás perros.

We found Canela at the shelter with her friend Pelusa in August 2014. She is a young dog - looking very much like our Filou and yes, we found out they are brother and sister, while Pelusa is their mother. She is very shy but slowly getting better. She loves to be with other dogs.

We are urgently looking for fosters, financial fosters and/or adoptions. We do not have space, our foster homes are full and we now have 4 dogs we are paying for in kennels/the veterinary clinic - apart from the fact all new dogs need spaying/neutering, chipping, vaccinating and veterinary treatment

CANELA, cachorrona cruce setter RESERVADA 16097211  CANELA, cachorrona cruce setter RESERVADA Canela10

Nombre/Name: CANELA
Sexo: H
Edad/Age: 15/2/2014
Raza/breed: x setter
Tamaño/size: 40 cm
Peso/weight: 11,7 kg
Entrada/entry: 4/8/14
Castr: 11/8/2014

Contactos/contacts: (Pedro) 690 14 13 39 (Marcial) 685 815 856 (Anjo, international enquiries) +34 645 880 105

(Group and page) Animales de Oriente
(Profile) Anjo Asturias


Mensajes : 633
Fecha de inscripción : 28/02/2009

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