Foro Animales de Oriente Asturias
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Remo, M x pastorTterrier pelo argo

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Remo, M x pastorTterrier pelo argo Empty Remo, M x pastorTterrier pelo argo

Mensaje  Admin Jue 19 Jun 2014 - 23:45

Remo es un perro apastorado de tamaño mediano y con pelo largo (* For the English version please scroll down)
- y con muchísimo miedo, que no es de extrañar sabiendo como llegó.
Remo necesita recuperarse y la asociación necesitamos apoyo para casos como Remo. Le tenemos ahora (Octubre 2014) ya varios meses en una residencia. Es un perro con mucho miedo que por ahora no es sociable para vivir con otros compañeros en las jaulas.

Llegó a las jaulas moribundo, recogido por la policía local en Piloña mientras llevó todo el día allí sin nadie nos avisara.
Tenía los músculos y el higado dañado. Después de 5 días con suero y antibióticos finalmente arrancó a comer. Un perro traumatizado y con mucho miedo.

We found Remo almost dead in one of the kennels of the mini shelter.
After rushing him to the vet it turned out he had been there since that same morning, left there to die by the local police...
It also turned out his liver was damaged and he had a lot of muscle damage.
(it could not be said for sure he was abused or kicked, according to the vet)
It took him 5 days with an intravenous drip, hospitalised to start even to eat.
He is traumatised and very afraid of people.
The association Animales de Oriente needs help for Remo and similar cases - donations for the vet bills, dog food and a place where Remo is able to become a happy dog again. Now, October 2014 he has been in a dog pansion for several months. He is well taken care of but not sociable and reliable enough to live with the other dogs at our mini shelter or in a foster home.

Remo, M x pastorTterrier pelo argo Remo210
Remo, M x pastorTterrier pelo argo Remo10

Nombre/Name: Remo (the strong one)
Sexo: M
Edad/Age: 15/6/2013 (1 year)
Raza/breed: x pastor/pastor catalan (pelo largo con los colores de pastor)
Tamaño/size: 55 cm
Peso/weight: 17 kg
Entrada/entry: 17/6/14

Día por día:
23/6: visitas de los voluntarios Pedro y Marian para ganar la confianza del perro, poco a poco.
22/6 por la tarde comenzó a comer
19/06 Por la tarde: Remo sigue crítico, no puedo dar novedades más positivas - está con suero y glucosa porque ni come ni bebe. Si sale al patio de la clínica se quiere escapar, eso sí.
Por la mañana - Remo sigue crítico. Las placas revelaron musculos desgarrados, y unos perdigones en las patas, pero no de ahora. El perrín muy machacado
En un pueblo de Piloña (no sabemos donde) avisaron a la policía que un perro y una perra habían herido a 4 ovejas. No era de la zona el perrín y la policía no podía coger el perro. Los vecinos sí, aparentemente y lo encontraron atado con varios cordeles.
REMO - el perro que apareció hoy en la mini perrera de Infiesto. Cabe resaltar la colaboración de las autoridades (estoy en modo sarcástico): por la mañana llevan un perro a la clínica veterinaria solo para ver si tiene chip. Que nadie le occurra ver si está bién, ni llamar a la prote (el perro ni bajó del camión de la policía). Finalmente, solo es un perro. No tiene chip y milagrosamente por la tarde (claro en todo el día el perro está a la vista de los trabajadores del ayuntamiento, pero claro solo es un perro) lo encontramos en una jaula - por suerte con un perro muy manso.
Desgraciadamente, está medio muerto. Se movilizan los voluntarios corriendo y llevan el perro a urgencias (claro a la misma clínica pero ahora pagamos nosotros), le ponen suero porque está deshidratado, tiene fiebre, tiene una infección y se queda hospitalizado a las 8 de la tarde.

In English - Remo's story
Remo's story is slowly unfolding. He was found in a village where he and another dog (allegedly) had attacked four sheep. The police were not able to catch him, but the village people did.
The local police's attitude is incredible - they put the dog in a kennel in the morning. They must have known he was injured and dying. They went to the vet clinic but just to have the chip checked (they never got the dog out of the car) - they do know that WE ALWAYS pay all the vet bills, so it would not have been any effort for them - even less - to leave the dog at the vet or even to call us. We have been taking care of the dogs in Infiesto for 7 years now, it is not as if they are not aware of that....
17/6 - Asturias - Infiesto Principado de Asturias
The local police pick up a dog. They go to the vet clinic to check if it has a chip. Nobody calls us. That was this morning. Then, at some point, they use their keys to put the dog together with another dog in one of the kennels - nobody calls us. This is at the council yard, people work there. The supervisor works there. Nobody calls us. This evening the volunteers go to the mini shelter and find a dog dying. So different volunteers jump in their cars to drive to the shelter and get the dog to the emergency help - at that same veterinary clinic where the dog was this morning. We are probably about 300 EUR further out of our pockets - blood test (a severe infection, we don't know due to what yet), a drip as the dog is dehydrated - no wonder, it has been trying to die all day in the shelter, (NOBODY CALLED US, nobody thought it was strange this dog did not move) - he is hospitalised now. The dog without a name. For the moment he will be Remo - the strong one as he will need strength. And no, this is not Eastern Europe or Southern Spain ...

Would you like to help us? Donate!

Web page:

Contactos/contacts: (Pedro) 690 14 13 39​ (Marcial) 685 815 856​ (Anjo, international enquiries) +34 645 880 105
(Group and page) Animales de Oriente
(Profile) Anjo Asturias

Datos bancarios para ingresos o donaciones:
Sociedad Protectora Animales de Oriente
Cuenta: 2048 0031 96 3404000449
IBAN:  ES57 2048 0031963404000449


Mensajes : 633
Fecha de inscripción : 28/02/2009

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