Foro Animales de Oriente Asturias
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Jara H mestiza joven - RESERVADA

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Jara H mestiza joven - RESERVADA Empty Jara H mestiza joven - RESERVADA

Mensaje  Admin Jue 30 Ene 2014 - 14:18

Jara tiene una mirada muy dulce - la encontramos atada a la perrera una tarde lluviosa en Enero. Tenía toda la pinta de estar preñada o que la habían quitado sus cachorros. La llevamos en seguida al veterinario y se operó sin complicaciones - no estaba preñada pero había dado la luz hace poco. Ni rastro de los peques, claro.Está en Ceceda en una casa de acogida.
Jara ya no es la perrina tán timidina que llegó - es una perra feliz y juguetona. Convive con todos los perros en casa machos, hembras entre 4 y 60 kg perfectamente. Juega hasta con el gato (y el con ella). Durante las excursiones con los otros perros de la perrera se queda cerca de "su" voluntaria (en su casa de acogida) pero le encanta. En casa es una perra tranquila y puedes dejarla sola - pero que no dejes la comida en la mesa Wink.
Que no tiene desperfectos? Como todos, al principio puede ser algo tímida al conocer gente nueva. Puede tener su punto de nerviosidad tipo border collie, aunque cada vez menos estando en un hogar estable.

Jara H mestiza joven - RESERVADA Jara_2203143_zps435e4111

Jara was found on a rainy afternoon in January - wet and miserable. She is a medium-sized very sweet young dog with eyes that can only make your heart melt.
We think she was born around October 2012, she is medium sized at just 15.5 kg and a height of ca 48 cm. Her tail is docked, probably from birth.
She loves everybody (although some big, unknown men are still a bit scary) and is looking for a home. She lives with a cat in her foster home, and tries to play with him and the cat pays hide and seek with her. Jara is slowly getting more confident, still loves to snuggle up to you but is also showing she is a very playful young dog. She likes to play with the big dogs and sometimes really annoys them, but she seems to get away with it. She also comes at the shelter walks with more than 10 different dogs and she does very well, she is quiet and stays close to her carers. Jara loves travelling by car and she does not mind crating, although at night she prefers sleeping on your bed or in her basket next to the bed. She is also your perfect office dog, sleeping quietly until things are happening again. Besides playing with all the other dogs, even old grumpy Tufo, she likes to chase insects on the lawn.
One of our volunteers about Jara:
My time spent with Jara will be time that I will forever treasure. She is such a wonderful dog with such a kind spirit. I spent two weeks volunteering with her and I bonded quite quickly. Jara loves to go for walks and will always check to make sure you are still with her as you walk. She is very concerned that the "pack" stays together. Jara is very much in need of a loving owner who wants to be very close with their dog. She needs a loving home, and the love will undoubtbly be returned. She is also a HUGE snuggler and makes a very warm blnket if you need! Jara is very loyal and you notice this right away while being with her. She is playful and will spend hours out playing and chasing (her favourite) butterflys. I wanted to adopt her myself but I am not in the right place or time to. Hopefully you are lucky enough to be.

Jara H mestiza joven - RESERVADA Jara_060316_6_zpsac0d2469

Nombre/name: Jara
Sexo: H
Raza/breed: x mix
Edad/age: 21/10/2012
Tamaño/size: 48 cm
Peso/weight:  15,5 kg
Entrada/Since: 27/01/2014
Castrada/spayed: 28/01/2014
Chip: y
Vacc: y Feb 2014

CONTACTOS de los voluntarios (teléfono tardes) (Pedro) 690 14 13 39​ (Marcial) 685 815 856​ (Anjo, international enquiries) +34 645 880 105

Jara H mestiza joven - RESERVADA Jara2701141_zpsd502d769  

Jara on the shelter walk from Tika985 on Vimeo.

Jara busca casa from Tika985 on Vimeo.

Última edición por Admin el Vie 11 Jul 2014 - 23:14, editado 4 veces


Mensajes : 633
Fecha de inscripción : 28/02/2009

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Jara H mestiza joven - RESERVADA Empty Re: Jara H mestiza joven - RESERVADA

Mensaje  Admin Miér 9 Abr 2014 - 0:52

Jara - not that shy ...
Jara jugando con su amigo del alma, Baloo

Baloo & Jara from Tika985 on Vimeo.


Mensajes : 633
Fecha de inscripción : 28/02/2009

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